Mr. Mercedes: Season 1

Poster for Mr. Mercedes: Season 1

Four-time Golden Globe-nominee Brendan Gleeson leads this series from Emmy-winner David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies), adapting Stephen King's bestselling novel about... More

Where to watch Mr. Mercedes: Season 1

Mr. Mercedes: Season 1 is available to stream in the... More United Kingdom now on Prime Video and Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV.

Mr. Mercedes: Season 1 episodes

Episode 1.1


Two years after retiring, former homicide detective Bill Hodges is... More still haunted by his last case. When the demented culprit begins to torment Hodges, he embarks on a crusade to bring the killer to justice.

Episode 1.2

On Your Mark

As Hodges struggles to maintain his sanity, both Pete and... More Ida take notice. Deborah worries about Brady, who gives her a window into his latest work. Hodges connects with Olivia Trelawney's sister Janey, who hires him as a private detective.

Episode 1.3

Cloudy, With a Chance of Mayhem

Hodges and Janey dig deeper into the circumstances surrounding Olivia's... More death. Hodges uses Debbie's Blue Umbrella to turns the tables on Brady. Jerome's father intervenes in his relationship with Hodges.

Episode 1.4

Gods Who Fall

Ida is hurt as Hodges and Janey's relationship intensifies. Lou... More is disturbed by an interaction with a customer. Deborah takes Brady to the cemetery and the two reflect on their difficult past.


The Suicide Hour

The cat and mouse game between Hodges and Brady escalates.... More Hodges has an upsetting conversation with Janey's mother. Deborah's drinking almost causes an accident at the Hartsfield home.


People in the Rain

Hodges struggles with the past as it concerns his daughter,... More Allie. As Deb attempts to make a change for the better, Brady interferes. Robi continues pressuring Brady to impress their bosses. Hodges connects with Janey's niece, Holly.


Willow Lake

As Hodges helps Janey through a difficult time, their connection... More deepens. Realizing he still needs their help, Hodges brings Jerome and Holly back into the investigation. Deborah confronts Brady with her concerns.


From the Ashes

A critical error puts Brady in the center of a... More crisis of his own making. Holly and Jerome make a pivotal discovery. After a tragedy sends Hodges reeling, he goes to visit his daughter, Allie.


Ice Cream, You Scream, We All Scream

Jerome and Holly tell Hodges their concerns about the Mercedes... More Killer. Tensions continue to escalate between Brady and Robi. As details about the investigation emerge, Hodges, Pete, and Izzy close in on their suspect.


Jibber-Jibber Chicken Dinner

When another murder victim is discovered, suspicions about Brady are... More confirmed. As the police prepare for another massacre, Hodges fears for the safety of those he loves.

Mr. Mercedes: Season 1 | Ratings & Reviews

"An unappealing combination of Stephen King's most ghastly horror moments mashed into a hard-boiled detective story."


"Mr. Mercedes isn't prestige-class pulp, but it's a quality star vehicle fuelled with enough poignancy to make it worth the ride."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"Mr. Mercedes is premium-unleaded nightmare fuel right out of the gate, without even a touch of the strange or supernatural."

Boston GlobeBoston Globe

"The naturalistic pacing and character development provide a superior cast with more than enough fuel for a gripping ride."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"This is an all-star crew operating at near the peak of their abilities. It makes for a tight, terrifying story of a retired cop and the madman who got away but won't go away."

"It’s smartly paced, with stellar performances and assured direction, and yet it feels curiously stodgy, with the emotional beats never landing quite hard enough and the action and humor scattershot."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"David Kelley and Stephen King have been entertaining the masses for many decades now, yet in Mr. Mercedes, they're both doing some of their best work in years."


"Mr. Mercedes comes off as a plodding compendium of serial-killer and cop cliches, all conveyed via an unrelentingly dour tone and almost suffocating aesthetic..."


"So far Mr. Kelley has put together a decent character study, but whether he’ll pull off a hard-boiled thriller remains a mystery."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Mr. Mercedes is a fine example of something that has been less frequent over the years - an effective Stephen King adaptation carried by strong performances and smart writing choices."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

Mr. Mercedes: Season 1 | Trailers