
117 mins
Poster for Ant-Man

Paul Rudd is Scott Lang, Marvel’s size-changing scientist in this superhero origin story directed by Peyton Reed (Yes Man). Co-stars... More

Where to watch Ant-Man

Ant-Man is available to stream in the United Kingdom now... More on Amazon Video and Disney+ and Google TV and BBC iPlayer and YouTube and Microsoft.

There is no screening information for this title.

Ant-Man | Ratings & Reviews

"It’s a familiar story - from wobbly beginnings a hero arises, one that learns to wield his powers for the greater good, and win against the odds. Wait, you think I’m talking about Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man character, Scott Lang? Yes, I suppose that fits. But in this instance, I’m referring to director Peyton Reed (Bring It On), stepping in at the eleventh hour when Edgar Wright left the project. Whatever vision Wright had is no longer relevant, apart from what remains from the story he and Joe Cornish concocted, because Reed’s Ant-Man is such an entertaining watch in its own, er, right."

Flicks, Steve NewallFlicks

"Succeeds well enough as a genial diversion and sometimes a delightful one, predicated on the rarely heeded Hollywood wisdom that less really can be more."


"Reed might lack the pop-art pizzazz and unruly ambition Wright might have provided (yes, that's a lot of "mights"...), but he nails the comedy/drama/action balance and slam-dunks the set-pieces."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Even the jokes that do work leave some laughs on the table, and the impulse to play things safe proves emblematic of a film that shrinks in the face of a challenge."

Time OutTime Out

"I walked into Ant-Man ready – at last – to be underwhelmed by Marvel. I left pretty happy."


"There's no sensitivity, no eye for movement, no feeling for the way a camera can create emotion out of nothing, no heart beating beneath its celluloid skin."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"Although the story dynamics are fundamentally silly and the family stuff is elemental button-pushing, a good cast led by a winning Paul Rudd puts the nonsense over in reasonably disarming fashion."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Extremely likable, with a few moments of proper wonder."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Ant-Man | Details

12A, moderate action violence, moderate bad language
Action, Science Fiction
Country of origin