Apocalypse Now

202 mins
Poster for Apocalypse Now

Capping director Francis Ford Coppola's golden decade (after, amongst others, The Godfather I and II and The Conversation), Apocalypse Now is... More

Where to watch Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now is now playing in 2 cinemas in the... More United Kingdom. Apocalypse Now is available to stream in the United Kingdom now on Google TV and BBC iPlayer and BFI Player Rentals and YouTube and Microsoft.

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Apocalypse Now | Details

Award winner
Palme d'Or and FIPRESCI Prize winner at Cannes Film Festival 1979. Best Director and Best Supporting Actor (Duvall), BAFTA Awards 1980. Best Cinematography and Sound, Academy Awards 1980. Best Director, Supporting Actor (Duvall) and Score, Golden Globes 1980.
Drama, War
Country of origin

Apocalypse Now | Trailers