A puppeteer (John Cusack) discovers a portal that leads, literally, into the head of film star John Malkovich in this...
A puppeteer (John Cusack) discovers a portal that leads, literally, into the head of film star John Malkovich in this mind-bending comedy from director Spike Jonze (Adaptation) and writer Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind).
Craig (Cusack) takes a job as a filing clerk as his puppeteer career lags. One day he accidentally discovers a door, a portal into the brain of Malkovich (played by Malkovich himself). For 15 minutes, he experiences the ultimate head trip - he is John Malkovich. At least, he controls the body of John Malkovich. With his beautiful office mate Maxine (Catherine Keener) and his pet-obsessed wife (Cameron Diaz), they hatch a plan to let others into John's brain for $200 a pop.