Blade Runner 2049

163 mins
Poster for Blade Runner 2049

Ryan Gosling stars in the Denis Villeneuve-directed sequel to Ridley Scott's sci-fi classic. Returning are Harrison Ford who reprises his... More

Where to watch Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049 is now playing in 1 cinema in... More the United Kingdom. Blade Runner 2049 is available to stream in the United Kingdom now on Prime Video and Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV and BBC iPlayer and YouTube and Chili and Microsoft.

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Blade Runner 2049 | Ratings & Reviews

"Denis Villeneuve is some kind of cinematic magician. He bounces between genres, masters them all, and has now resurrected a 35-year-old classic and made it his own. It’s like he soaked in the essence of Blade Runner and channelled it into this new story, which continues the original’s themes regarding sentience, expands on them, then adds new shades of grey."

Flicks, Tony StampFlicks

"I imagine most audiences will like the film ... I thought it was okay."


"A visually breathtaking, long-fuse action movie whose unconventional thrills could be described as many things - from tantalising to tedious - but never "artificially intelligent.""


"Villeneuve's film is a direct continuation in every respect; it's difficult to imagine anyone - even Ridley Scott - making a better Blade Runner sequel."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Immersing you in a complete wow, Blade Runner 2049 is the thinking person's sci-fi event of the year."

Time OutTime Out

"It just has to be experienced on the biggest screen possible. Blade Runner 2049 is a narcotic spectacle of eerie and pitiless vastness, by turns satirical, tragic and romantic."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Despite its blockbuster trappings, this Blade Runner is as much an art movie as the first one: slow, idea-driven, and often emotionally remote."

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

"Villeneuve has taken the double-edged sword of the update and created a Blade Runner 2049 worthy of honouring its ancestor, while bringing it appropriately into the mid-21st Century."


"An artform of suspense and enigma that's as compelling and fascinating as it is emotionally distant."


"My brain still hasn't stopped whirring, neither has my heart."


"A voluptuous mood bath that's impressively sustained from beginning to end."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"Visually immaculate, swirling with themes as heart-rending as they are mind-twisting, 2049 is, without doubt, a good year. And one of 2017's best."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

Blade Runner 2049 | Details

15, strong violence, language, sexualised nudity
Science Fiction, Thriller
Country of origin
USA, Canada, UK