
97 mins
Poster for Brasileirinho

Director Mika Kaurismäki (Moro no Brasil) first heard Brazil's choro music as a boy in his native Finland. Now, in... More

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Brasileirinho | Ratings & Reviews

    "A companion piece to Finnish helmer Mika Kaurismaki's 2002 "The Sound of Brazil," which explored music's centrality in helmer's adoptive country, his latest docu "Brasileirinho," offers a more focused but less complex tribute to "choro," an older style of playing that forms the foundation of all Brazilian composition, including samba and bossa nova. Featuring copious footage of top-level artists performing with bravura intensity, interspersed with sketchy history lessons and interviews, "Brasileirinho" reps toe-tapping, hip-swaying stuff for world-music fans..."


    "An exploration of Brasil's much loved Choro music - a fusion of European dance melodies, African rhythms and Brasilian flourishes - which predates the Samba, showcased through the Trio Madeira Brasil: Marcello Goncalves and Ze Paulo Becker on guitar, with Ronaldo Souza on mandolin..."

    Urban CinefileUrban Cinefile

    "All of which is interesting enough - in most cases they are as articulate talking about the music as they are skilful playing it. But while the performances can be riveting, the meandering sun-kissed film itself lacks the energy or the improvisational spirit of the music..."

    New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

    "Like any good music documentary, one of the main aims is to showcase the music, which Brasileirinho does well, taking in performances from the stage as well as impromptu jams in musicians' homes and in the street..."

    Christchurch PressChristchurch Press

    "It's this infectious quality to the music that maintains the film's momentum and which, hopefully, will ignite for the rest of the world the love for choro we see there in Rio..."


    Brasileirinho | Details

    Documentary, Music
    Country of origin
    Brazil, Finland, Switzerland

    Brasileirinho | Trailers