
89 mins
Poster for Detention

Scream meets The Breakfast Club in this 2011 horror-comedy about a band of teenagers whose detention turns into a fight... More

Where to watch Detention

Detention is available to stream in the United Kingdom now... More on Google TV and YouTube and Microsoft.

Detention | Ratings & Reviews

"Detention does have imaginative editing and a stylish, candy-colored look - that is, so long as no one's vomiting, an activity that takes up an ungodly portion of the running time."

New York PostNew York Post

"What starts as a bracing rush quickly devolves into a deadening assault of stimuli."


"Horror fans will probably grow impatient with the unevenly executed "Scream"-style self-awareness, and Mr. Kahn ultimately loses control of his referential plate-spinning, in what might be another illustration that catering to short attention spans leads only to mutually assured distraction."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Detention is ballsy, audacious, and uncompromising, but the overall effect of Kahn's Hellzapoppin-meets-Twitter aesthetic is exhausting rather than energizing. It's an ice-cream headache of a movie-movie that's so relentlessly "fun," it's borderline obnoxious."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"Moves at an absurd pace and dares anyone above 25 to keep up, yet the stream of genre-hopping jokes and sight gags makes the movie an entertaining ride."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"You admire the movie for refusing to ever, ever slow down, but you also wonder what might have happened had Kahn dared to settle, even just a bit. Instead, what we get is a mad kaleidoscope of genre, with occasional glimpses into the mysteries of the exploding teenage heart."


"High school students (the jocks, the brains, the princesses, the criminals, the basket cases), long the favored prey of serial killers, somehow manage to fight back from the brink yet again in Detention, a bright, witty new genre mash-up."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

Detention | Details

Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Country of origin

Detention | Trailers