
98 mins
Poster for Eileen

Based on the book of the same name by literary powerhouse Ottessa Moshfegh, Thomasin McKenzie and Anne Hathaway lead this... More

Where to watch Eileen

Eileen is available to stream in the United Kingdom now... More on Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV and YouTube and Microsoft.

Eileen | Ratings & Reviews

Works better as a film than it does as a book. The artistic quality of author Ottessa Moshfegh’s vision is brought out beautifully by cinematographer Ari Wegner. With the film tightly clipped to 98 minutes, it’s a scintillating experience. Read full article
Lillian Crawford

"Steeped in period perfection but hampered by an off-kilter final third."

We Got This CoveredWe Got This Covered

"An intriguing story that never quite goes where you expect."


"Wildly audacious, wondrously twisted."


"Doesn’t push its weirdness far enough."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Nastily unpredictable."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"A wonderful novel... becomes an oddball film."

Associated PressAssociated Press

"For all its heavy themes it's also a surprisingly funny movie."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"McKenzie, at all times, is the one holding it together."

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

"Isn’t boring at all, just disappointing."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"(A) divisive tale."


"Stylish and wild."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"Dank and disturbing and, when you’re in the mood for something that will mess you up, exactly right."


"Isn’t nearly as queer as it wants to be."


"A thriller made of tremendous parts, just lacking a bit of steam upon exit."


"An initially intriguing drama... soon flies completely off the rails."

The TimesThe Times

"A pulpy phantasmagoria of fear and desire."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"A disappointing movie... though Thomasin McKenzie and Hathaway give it their all."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"(A) surprising stunner."

Slash FilmSlash Film

"Woefully underdeveloped."

Vanity FairVanity Fair

"William Oldroyd's darkly romantic Ottessa Moshfegh adaptation already feels close to iconic."


"(A) mystery brimming with lust and intrigue."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"Unendingly sombre and unsatisfying."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"An unhinged mix of Carol and Hitchcock."

Hindustan TimesHindustan Times

"If the script meanders... it still manages to stay compelling."

Austin ChronicleAustin Chronicle

Eileen | Details

15, child sex abuse references, strong violence, threat, language, sex, suicide
Country of origin

Eileen | Trailers