Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling star in this all-singing, all-dancing musical comedy from the director of 2014's brilliant Whiplash. Story...
Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling star in this all-singing, all-dancing musical comedy from the director of 2014's brilliant Whiplash. Story follows a jazz pianist who falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles. Multiple award winner at the 2017 Golden Globes including Best Picture (Comedy or Musical).
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La La Land | Details
- Award winner
- Best Actress (Stone), Director, Original Song ("City of Stars"), Original Score, Cinematography and Production Design, Academy Awards 2017; Best Film, Best Director, Best Leading Actress (Stone), Cinematography and Original Music, BAFTAs 2017; Best Picture (Comedy or Musical), Best Director, Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical (Stone), Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical (Gosling), Best Screenplay, Best Original Song ("City of Stars") and Best Original Score, Golden Globes 2017; Best Actress (Stone) winner at Venice Film Festival 2016; People's Choice Award for Best Gala or Special Presentation, Toronto International Film Festival 2016
- Rating
- 12A, infrequent strong language
- Runtime
- 129
- Genre
- Drama, Musical, Romance
- Country of origin