Rules Don't Apply

127 mins
Poster for Rules Don't Apply

Lily Collins (The Mortal Instruments) and Alden Ehrenreich (Hail, Caesar!) lead this Hollywood Golden Era comedy from Oscar-winning filmmaker Warren... More

Where to watch Rules Don't Apply

Rules Don't Apply is available to stream in the United... More Kingdom now on Prime Video and Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV and YouTube.

There is no screening information for this title.

Rules Don't Apply | Ratings & Reviews

"Warren Beatty's first directorial project since 1998's underrated and subsequently re-assessed Bulworth is a strangely inconsequential affair that functions nicely as a nostalgic trip to old Hollywood. Unfortunately it fails to really spark as either the romantic comedy it appears to have been conceived as, or as an insight into the later life of real-life industrialist-turned-Hollywood player Howard Hughes, whom Beatty portrays."

Flicks, Dominic CorryFlicks

"Hughes hides ... until nearly 25 minutes into the picture, though the character can't help but commandeer our attention from that point on, especially amid the vanilla pudding that serves as the rest of the plot."


"Like everything this star-director has done, the film is deceptively smart. It's just a little too late to the game."

Time OutTime Out

"A wildly scattershot comedy filled with bright moments that never cohere."

The New YorkerThe New Yorker

"It may be hyperbolic to describe Warren Beatty's Howard Hughes movie, "Rules Don't Apply," as a screwball "Citizen Kane." But that's what it feels like."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Warren Beatty plays Howard Hughes with seductive charm, sneaky intelligence and buggy eccentricity. Sadly, Beatty as writer and director has chosen to make Hughes a supporting role, teasing a much deeper portrait."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"It's not without its charms, but there aren't enough of them and they don't readily cohere."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"A fitfully funny quasi-farce that takes off promisingly, loses its way mid-flight and comes in for a bumpy but safe landing."

Herald SunHerald Sun

Rules Don't Apply | Details

12A, moderate sex references, infrequent strong language
Comedy, Drama, Romance
Country of origin