Sweet Land

110 mins
Poster for Sweet Land
When Lars Torvik’s grandmother Inge dies in 2004, he is faced with a decision – sell the family farm on... More

Where to watch Sweet Land

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Sweet Land | Ratings & Reviews

"Sweet Land was like watching paint dry – only not as interesting because there were no fumes to induce halloaecinagenic visions. I spent the first half waiting to be interested, to be gripped by immigrant tales of overcoming adversity and prejudice to triumph in a grand, painterly Mid West landscape. I was urging some gritty undercurrent to take me away into a magical filmic land, but instead I was left gagging to get out of there, and had I not been reviewing I would have fled the theatre."

Flicks, TeamFlicks

"Intelligently written, brilliantly cast and thesped story of a German mail order bride in a Norwegian-American community in Minnesota just after WWI never hits a wrong note..."


"The film’s guileless, heartfelt style veers perilously close to corniness at times, but the superb cast dares you to mock...."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"Demonstrating a mastery of the medium that belies his status as a first-time feature filmmaker, writer-director Ali Selim has crafted in Sweet Land a tale of pure Americana that speaks both to the immigrant experience and the nature of love..."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"An unusual look at love and how it can unexpectedly develop. Those for whom the concept of an arranged marriage is foreign will get a little history lesson on the immigrant experience watching this sweetly engrossing film..."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"It's winsome, sentimental and lovely in a minor-key way..."


"A type of American independent we don't see often enough..."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

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