Samuel Fuller's semi-autobiographical, 1980 war movie about a veteran Sergeant (Lee Marvin) from the first World War, who leads a...
Samuel Fuller's semi-autobiographical, 1980 war movie about a veteran Sergeant (Lee Marvin) from the first World War, who leads a unit in World War II, including Mark Hamill as Private Griff. The story follows the men as they survive the war – in Vichy French Africa, Sicily, D-Day at Omaha Beach, Belgium and France, ending in a concentration camp in Czechoslovakia where they face the true horror of the war. The movie begins with the line: "This is fictional life based on factual death".
This was one of the Samuel Fuller's last movies, in a career spanning nearly 60 years. Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino and Jim Jarmusch have all listed Fuller's high energy approach as a major influence on their own work.