The Girl in the Spider's Web

115 mins
Poster for The Girl in the Spider's Web

Golden Globe winner Claire Foy (The Crown) is Lisbeth Salander in this reboot of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... More

Where to watch The Girl in the Spider's Web

The Girl in the Spider's Web is available to stream... More in the United Kingdom now on Amazon Video and Netflix and Apple TV Store and Google TV and YouTube and Chili and Microsoft.

There is no screening information for this title.

The Girl in the Spider's Web | Ratings & Reviews

"It’s been 11 years since the Swedish successfully adapted the bestselling Millenium book series to the screen, and seven years since David Fincher unsuccessfully tried to bring it to Hollywood."

Flicks, Katie ParkerFlicks

"It was probably inevitable that Hollywood would neuter the best elements of Stieg Larsson's "Millennium" franchise, but did the producers really need to shift it into a commonplace cross between a superhero flick and James Bond?"


"Here [Foy] perfectly captures Salander's monosyllabic repression, as well as the no-nonsense physicality, trusty Taser by her side."

The TimesThe Times

"There's a slick competency on show. It's watchable enough but let down by a strange lack of interest in presenting Salander as anything but an engine to propel a plot."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"I honestly believe The Girl and the Flogged Horse would have been a more appropriate title."


"Claire Foy proves to be a perfectly respectable Lisbeth Salander, but like "Spider's Web" itself, the elaborate effort put forth hardly seems worth it."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"There's likely enough well-executed action to pull audiences in for the ride, but not much else to make it memorable."


"It is edgy and action-packed, and Alvarez' direction keeps the tension high through a slew of ever-more-improbable threats to Lisbeth and her allies."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"...relentlessly mediocre..."


"An often effective reboot, this does everything you'd expect, but that's a real shame. Lisbeth might be a nomad, but she doesn't feel at home here."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

The Girl in the Spider's Web | Details

15, strong violence, injury detail, language, sex
Country of origin
UK, Germany, Sweden, Canada, USA