The Gospel According to André

94 mins
Poster for The Gospel According to André

Documentary biopic on the career of famed fashion editor and journalist André Leon Talley. Follows Talley from his roots in... More

Where to watch The Gospel According to André

The Gospel According to André is available to stream in... More the United Kingdom now on Apple TV Store and Google TV and YouTube and Chili.

The Gospel According to André | Ratings & Reviews

"The first words spoken in The Gospel According to André, a documentary that explores the life of former Vogue editor and legendary fashionista André Leon Talley, come from the subject himself, overlaid onto warmly lit images of his home and garden. “I don’t live for fashion. I live for beauty and style,” Talley says, as director Kate Novack cuts between objects in his house: an old telephone, photographs, cushions with floral decoration. “Fashion is fleeting,” Talley continues. “Style remains.”"

Flicks, Luke BuckmasterFlicks

"The things that make Talley such an iconoclast and so unforgettable even to those who’ve scarcely picked up a fashion magazine in their lives — his stature, his mannerisms, his flamboyance, his race — feel, for the most part, uninvestigated."


"The film amounts to essentially a long, intimate brunch conversation with its inimitable subject, and for those with even a passing interest in fashion, that should be plenty."


"The ‘Nelson Mandela of couture’ finally gets his due in this admiring new documentary."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"Presumes that simply filling the screen with Mr. Talley is enough. If anyone could spot the flaw in that thinking - and offer up countless robust ideas on how to elevate it - it would probably be him."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"It's a fascinating look at the self-invented André Leon Talley, a bold, daring creation who never let anything obstruct his passions, curiosities and whims."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"The Gospel According to Andre should prove catnip for fashion buffs."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

The Gospel According to André | Details

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The Gospel According to André | Trailers