Biopic on the French fashion designer (played by Pierre Niney, It Boy) - one of fashion's most creative proponents and...
Biopic on the French fashion designer (played by Pierre Niney, It Boy) - one of fashion's most creative proponents and the epitome of French haute couture. Saint Laurent's creative challenges and self-destructive struggles are followed from 1958 when the 21-year-old begins work at Christian Dior...
"Paris in 1958. Talented young designer Yves Saint Laurent takes up a position as assistant to couturier Christian Dior. After Dior’s sudden death Saint Laurent is made artistic director of one of the world’s most renowned fashion houses. His first collection is a triumphant success and this shy fashion genius becomes famous overnight. In Pierre Bergé he finds the love of his life and together they found their own label. As the years go by, a series of creative crises and emotional conflicts begin to drain this sensitive artist of his energy; they also put a strain on his relationship and the company’s future." (Berlin Film Festival)
Where to watch Yves Saint Laurent
Yves Saint Laurent | Details
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- France