No past, no memory: how to watch The Tourist in the UK

Reviews are in for The Tourist, a dusty outback mystery series that’s now available to stream on BBC iPlayer.

For no cost at all, viewers can get to know the mystery man played by Jamie Dornan over six thrilling episodes, from his first bewildering moments in the Australian outback to the final conclusive answers as to who the heck he is.

Our critics have given some enthusiastic thumbs up to the show, created by brothers Harry and Jack Williams as a UK/Australian coproduction. Cat Woods’ piece on Jamie Dornan’s underrated appeal considers the role to be a real game-changer for the actor: “Dornan is perfectly cast as the slightly bedraggled, wonderfully magnetic leading man. He bewitches the women around him while sending a dagger of fear into the hearts of the men.”

Meanwhile, Stephen A Russell called the show “intriguingly chameleonic”, enjoying its wild tonal shifts. “For all the drama centered on missing people buried alive, sandstorms, and the gruesome sight of a man’s brains dashed out by repeated introduction to a truck door, flashes of comic relief keep lighting up. Sometimes at one and the same time.”

If you’re keen to join in on the outback chase yourself, The Tourist is streaming in full on BBC iPlayer now: a nice trip down under for some savage sun and Mad Max-esque road games.