Trailer and release date for Clooney and Roberts in Ticket to Paradise

Real A-list stars are in short supply these days. Sure there’s always sexy young people with acting chops walking the red carpet, but the sheer charisma of George Clooney? Julia Roberts? Tom Cruise, as was outlined in a recent futuristic piece right here for Flicks? It’s unbeatable.

Those first two attractive peeps will play a spiteful pair of divorcees in their upcoming rom-com, where they must work “in lockstep” to convince their daughter not to get married on a whim. Book your Ticket To Paradise from September 16, when this delightful film arrives in UK cinemas.

“She’s throwing her career away”, Clooney explains to a stranger on a plane, Roberts chiming in with her own concerns for their daughter Kaitlyn Dever: “just like her mother did.” A spontaneous Bali wedding to a virtual stranger sounds like a dream, but after 19 years of hard feelings, the former couple will do anything to ensure that their kid avoids the same consequences.

Billie Lourd also appears in the fizzy trailer below, which ends with an infectiously sweet scene of Roberts and Clooney playing beer pong and breaking it down embarrassingly on the dancefloor. Even if this is a goofy broad comedy rather than the sharp Soderberghian screwball we’ve seen from both celebs, Ticket To Paradise should be a lot of glamorous fun.

Dever is one of those up-and-comers who could end up ascending to the same stardom her film parents enjoy. In the trailer, she makes Roberts “promise no passive-aggression,” to which Roberts asks, “what about aggressive-aggression?”

Ticket To Paradise comes to us from the director of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, another cute holiday of a film centring around love lost and found again. Because let’s be real: there’s no chance that the pair won’t end up reinvigorating their romance whilst on the sands of Bali, dolphin bites be damned.