Paul McGuigan

Find Paul McGuigan movies and shows streaming in United Kingdom

Poster for Gangster No. 1

Gangster No. 1

Malcolm McDowell and Paul Bettany star in...
Malcolm McDowell and Paul Bettany star in this crime saga following a young hood in 1960s London as he gradually rises to become a prominent and brutal gang boss in 1999.
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Poster for Victor Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein

12A110 mins|26%37%
Daniel Radcliffe is Igor in this origin...
Daniel Radcliffe is Igor in this origin story, told from the assistant’s perspective, who witnesses Victor von Frankenstein (James McAvoy) grow from prosperous medical student to the eventual legend. 
Poster for Push (2009)

Push (2009)

Sci-fi thriller Push stars Chris Evans and...
Sci-fi thriller Push stars Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning as two members of a group of clairvoyants and telekinetics, on the run from a government agency named Division.
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